Technical Societies Council of the Niagara Frontier (TSC) – Joint Dinner Meeting

  • March 18, 2015
  • 5:30 PM
  • Salvatore’s Italian Gardens 6461 Transit Road, Depew, NY 14043


TSC Joint Dinner Meeting

Topic:  The Collaborative Human-Robot Team, The New Work Force

Date:  Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Time:  Cocktail social hour starts 5:30 pm

            Cash Bar, Dinner at 6:30 pm

Location:  Salvatore’s Italian Gardens

                  6461 Transit Road, Depew, NY

Speaker Ron Brown… See bio below.

Speaker Information

Competitive pressures drive industry to continuously innovate and develop new products and processes. Today, more than ever before, companies are integrating robots to help meet these challenges. Robot manufactures are relentlessly developing new robotic capabilities to meet the demand for innovation.

“The Collaborative Human-Robot” is one of the new class of robots that is just now coming out of the laboratory onto the factory floor. Until now robots required costly safety guarding to protect humans. The collaborative robot has no safety guarding but rather new technology to make it safe for humans to be in the same proximity as the robot. This allows humans to work alongside the robot as a team. In this team the robot would be assigned tasks that are tiresome or repetitive while the human would concentrate on tasks that require dexterity or ingenuity.  We will explore some of these new safety technologies and some of the current and potential applications of the Collaborative Human-Robot Team.

Cost:  $30 per person members

    $35 per person non-members/guests

Credits for Education: 1 PDH, pending

Entree Choices: Chicken Parmigiana / Penne ala Roma / Poached Salmon / Prime Rib 10oz