Buffalo Remediation Workshop - Free

  • April 16, 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Buffalo Hilton Garden Inn 4201 Genesee Street Buffalo, New York 14225

I would like to invite you to the Buffalo Remediation Workshop that is co-hosted by Van Essen Instruments, Westbay, & Waterloo Hydrogeologic (formerly Schlumberger) on Thursday, April 16th.  The Remediation Workshops are hosted in 40 cities across the US and over 1,000 people have registered for the workshops so far this year.  This is a FREE, half-day, technical workshop that includes lunch and a certificate for 4.0 PDHs.  Below are more details about the schedule and location:


11:30 - Registration, hot Buffet Lunch is served, & Network with Exhibitors

12:00 – Martin Doster, DEC Regional Remediation Engineer

12:15 – Jeff Roberts - "Optimizing Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents"

12:55 - James B. Edgerly - “A New Look at Surfactant Enhanced Remediation”

1:35 - BREAK

2:00 - Don Thompson - "Diver Monitoring Solutions"

2:40 - Jean Paré - "Slow Release Treatment Technology using Oxidation or Enhanced BioRemediation"

3:20 - BREAK

3:35 - Mitchell Brourman - "Has real time remediation monitoring finally arrived?

​4:15 - Sandy Britt - "The new ASTM Standard for Passive Groundwater Sampling"

5:00 - Happy Hour provided by Van Essen Instruments, Westbay, & Waterloo Hydrogeologic


Buffalo Hilton Garden Inn

4201 Genesee Street

Buffalo, New York 14225

Thanks to the sponsors there is NO CHARGE for you to attend, but you do need to register so that we know how much food to order.

Register online here: http://remediationworkshop.com/locations/buffalo-ny-thursday-april-16th/

I’ll see you at the workshop!