BAPG September Picnic

  • September 23, 2011
  • 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Westwood Park 175 Pavement Rd Lancaster, NY 14086


  • Active and Associate Members
  • Student Cost
Please join BAPG for a family fun picnic to say goodbye to summer and get ready for a fantastic fall.  All family and friends are welcome.  Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.  All other beverages will be BYOB (non glass containers please).  Bring your favorite games and challenge a fellow geologist and the kids.

Menu will be Chicken BBQ, choice of salads and sides, drinks, and desert.

This event is free for all current members.  Guest will be $3.00 each.

Please click here for a detailed flyer with all the details.