The American Society of Civil Engineers and the Buffalo Association of Professional Geologists presents,
The Abstract Challenges Below the Buffalo AKG Art Museum
Thomas Reynolds, PE & Andrew Klettke, PE
(1 PDH Credit Available)

This meeting graciously sponsored by Earth Dimensions, Inc.

Overview -
Join ASCE Buffalo Section and BAPG for our annual joint meeting! This event will feature a presentation describing the civil and geological challenges experienced in designing and constructing our region’s world-renowned art museum, the Buffalo AKG.
The presentation will touch upon:
- The geological history of the region and how this created unique subsurface challenges
- The redesign of a 100-year-old sewer on the verge of collapse under the existing gallery
- Construction issues related to groundwater
- The various stakeholders and coordination required to complete this project
Schedule -
- 5:30 - 6:15 PM - Registration
- 6:15 - 6:30 PM - Opening Remarks and Speaker Introduction
- 6:30 - 7:30 PM - Dinner and Presentation
Menu -
- Warm rolls, chef salad with toppings, and pasta salad
- Sliced roast beef, Chicken Madeira
- Pasta Alfredo
- Garlic smashed potatoes and green beans
- Coffee, decaf, hot tea, and ice cream
Cost -
Members, $30
Non-Members, $35
Students, $15